La pierre de quartz est-elle une pierre artificielle ou une pierre naturelle ?

La pierre de quartz est-elle une pierre artificielle ou une pierre naturelle ?

26 Sep 2023
  Is pierre de quartz pierre artificielle or natural stone? Maybe you already know the answer, but we still share our views on this topic today to help you understand the quartz stone material.

  1. There are basically artificial quartz stones on the market, and there are also a small amount of natural quartz stones. Since natural quartz stone is difficult to process, the quartz stones used in building materials are all artificial.
Is quartz stone artificial stone or natural stone?
5009 Clover Calacatta Quartz
  2. Quartz stone is a composite material. The main raw material is silica and the thickness is 15mm. Currently, there are many artificial quartz stones on the market with different prices and are often used on window sills or cabinet countertops. Therefore, Users can purchase according to their preferences and financial capabilities.

  De quel matériau est faite la pierre de quartz artificiel ?

  Artificial quartz stone is mainly made of more than 90% quartz crystals or mineral powder, plus a certain amount of natural pigments, resins, curing agents and other additives, and is finally processed by vacuum casting or molding. Whether in terms of appearance or hardness, artificial quartz stone is comparable to natural quartz stone, and even has many advantages that natural quartz stone does not have. For example, the color is more uniform, the texture is wider, non-radioactive and more environmentally friendly, and the price is more affordable.

  Quelle entreprise se spécialise dans la fabrication de comptoirs en pierre de quartz ?

  goldtop quartz is a stone factory with more than 20 years of experience. It has a professional design team and production team. It provides free CAD designs and samples and provides stone solutions. You can click Quartz Goldtop to learn more!

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